Business card from $ 170
When we talk about business cards, we actually mean 2 different things.
Partly a physical business card that you can give to your potential customers or partners but also a website that only shows brief information about who you are and what you offer.
Do you want to start with something simple? Then a business card can work.
Physical Business Cards
If you need real business cards, we can help with that.
We use a affordable third party to create and print business cards.
If you need our help to produce the actual design for the business cards, we can assist with that help, but we can also take over the entire process from design to order.
We want you to focus on your core business, let’s make everything else easier!
Another form that is similar to a business card website is a so-called Onepage. This often means 1 single page whose menu scrolls to different sections of the page instead of taking the visitor to different subpages.
If you want to see an example of such a website, you can look at one of our customers who chose that variant -> JMT Flytt